In 2023 Level created an internal committee, The Positive Impact Group, dedicated to setting new standards and making a positive impact on the industry for consumers, solicitors and employees. One of the group’s primary focuses is to support and raise awareness of charities that play a crucial role in supporting our customers.
On Saturday 18th May, five Level employees took part in London’s Tough Mudder event to raise money for Mind (a mental health charity that provides essential support to those suffering from mental health). Tough Mudder is an endurance event challenging participants with an 8km obstacle course designed to test physical strength, stamina, and teamwork.
“Level’s customers are often experiencing life’s most difficult events. Mind provides essential support to those experiencing mental health and we were delighted to take part and raise money for such a worthy charity.” - Gino Rosolek, Director
We committed to dragging ourselves through mud, so please do support our collective efforts by making a donation, large or small!